AI Authoring Tool for E-Doing

The DayOff Creator offers training providers, trainers, and L&D professionals an AI-powered tool that enables them to quickly and effortlessly generate their personalized E-Doing content from existing materials.

AI Authoring Tool for E-Doing

The DayOff Creator offers training providers, trainers, and L&D professionals an AI-powered tool that enables them to quickly and effortlessly generate their personalized E-Doing content from existing materials.

AI Authoring Tool for E-Doing

The DayOff Creator offers training providers, trainers, and L&D professionals an AI-powered tool that enables them to quickly and effortlessly generate their personalized E-Doing content from existing materials.

AI Authoring Tool for E-Doing

The DayOff Creator offers training providers, trainers, and L&D professionals an AI-powered tool that enables them to quickly and effortlessly generate their personalized E-Doing content from existing materials.

Utilize Existing Learning Content

Utilize Existing Learning Content

Utilize Existing Learning Content

Wähle aus den für dich zur Verfügungen gestellten Inhalten die Lerneinheiten aus, die du gerne belegen möchtest. Diese kannst du später jederzeit ändern.

Wähle aus den für dich zur Verfügungen gestellten Inhalten die Lerneinheiten aus, die du gerne belegen möchtest. Diese kannst du später jederzeit ändern.

Use drag-and-drop to utilize existing resources to create engaging learning challenges. Our AI transforms PDFs, images, and free text into comprehensive training challenges that you can easily deploy in our app.

Create Your Own Learning Challenges

Create Your Own Learning Challenges

Create Your Own Learning Challenges

Wähle aus den für dich zur Verfügungen gestellten Inhalten die Lerneinheiten aus, die du gerne belegen möchtest. Diese kannst du später jederzeit ändern.

Wähle aus den für dich zur Verfügungen gestellten Inhalten die Lerneinheiten aus, die du gerne belegen möchtest. Diese kannst du später jederzeit ändern.

Our innovative challenge approach offers a multitude of use cases: from daily training to knowledge transfer, cultural change, and onboarding, or simply implementing new software - our challenges keep learners consistently motivated.

Guaranteed Varied Learning in the Company

Guaranteed Varied Learning in the Company

Guaranteed Varied Learning in the Company

Our eight different types of actions ensure variety! You can choose whether to focus on practical application or team-based learning impulses. Additionally, you can use our anonymous feedback actions to gather insights on corporate challenges and learning needs.


What content can the AI authoring tool create?

With the AI authoring tool, you can generate content from text, images, or PDF documents. This could include presentations in PDF format, screenshots from blog posts, descriptions of existing learning resources or company guidelines, or text you have written yourself.

If I upload a document and receive an error, what could be the reason?

Use and re-use tons of responsive sections too a main create the perfect layout. Sections are firmly of organised into the perfect starting categories. Our platform is designed with user experience in mind, making it simple and intuitive for both your team and your customers to use for better cost.

How do I create a challenge from a content module I've created?

Use and re-use tons of responsive sections too a main create the perfect layout. Sections are firmly of organised into the perfect starting categories. Our platform is designed with user experience in mind, making it simple and intuitive for both your team and your customers to use for better cost.

Can I modify the contents of a challenge after it's been created?

Use and re-use tons of responsive sections too a main create the perfect layout. Sections are firmly of organised into the perfect starting categories. Our platform is designed with user experience in mind, making it simple and intuitive for both your team and your customers to use for better cost.